![]() | Are these sites fun to check out or what? You decide! | ![]() |
Reference Sources Dictionaries US News and MediaAmerican Culture and SocietyFilmEncyclopedias Search Engines and Web Directories International Reference Other Reference Guides to Websites Electronic Libraries Statistics | World News and Media United Kingdom EntertainmentLanguage and GrammarEire Australia New Zealand Canada Philippines South Africa Malta India Pakistan Namibia Singapore Hong Kong Caribbean Bermuda | US Government and PoliticsScience and NatureComputingBritainIreland Canada TravelVarious International Sites Miscellaneous |
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Reference Sources » Swedish-English Dictionary Use it often. May not have the technical terms you're looking for.Dictionaries
» Dictionary and Thesaurus at dictionary.com. The best. Type in the word once and they'll look it up in several dictionaries simultaneously.
» YourDictionary.com has "more than 1800 dictionaries with more than 250 languages."
Merriam-Webster The best single dictionary on the web.
Encarta World English Dictionary From our friends at Microsoft.
OneLook Dictionaries They do the looking around for you.
Engelsk-svensk ordlista för högskolamatematiken by Björn Graneli from Institutionen för matematik here at Luleå. This 47-page PDF glossary would be extremely useful for most any Swede who works with a lot of math.
Ordbok from Svenska akademien.» Information Please Features an encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, etc. The first place to go for brief information about almost any topic.
Search Engines and Web Directories
» Britannica Free content is limited.
Encarta Microsoft's encyclopedia; also limits free content.
Nationalencyklopedin» Google The best. This site can usually find what you're looking for on the very first try.
International Reference
» The Open Directory Project An extremely rich, carefully edited guide.
» Yahoo from the US.
Yahoo UK & Ireland
Yahoo Australia & NZ
Northern Light is also good.» For general local information on any country, the Yahoo Countries List and the Open Directory Regional Directory are great places to start looking.
Other Reference
CIA World Factbook Very useful for the basics. Very thoroughly researched.
Library of Congress Country Studies on every country in the world.» Library Spot Lots of general reference, as well as links to national libraries around the world. A good place to start looking for info.
Guides to Websites
» xrefer "Free access to over 50 reference titles containing more than 500,000 entries"
Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus For when you just can't find the right word.
WebMD Good medical info.
National Library of Medicine More of the same.
Biography From the American Arts & Entertainment television network. Short biographies of just about everyone, including a lot of celebrities you might not find in the encyclopedia.
Metric Conversions are always tricky.NewYork Times CyberNavigator A great collection of links.
Electronic Libraries Books you can read online.
The WWW Virtual Library Started by the man who started the web itself.
Mölndals stadsbibliotek "Katalog med över 12000 utvalda och sorterade länkar"
BBC Webguide
Memepool Neato (?) websites you otherwise probably wouldn't find. Here anonymous people just share links they think are worthwhile.
Galileo is based at the University System of Georgia.» Great Books Online at the Bartleby Library
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image at the University of Pennsylvania. Includes Shakespeare's First Folio.
The Online Books Page, also at U Penn.
Project Gutenberg
Electronic Library at the University of Kansas. Look in "Stacks" for the books, or search.
African American Writers: Online E-Texts
Berkeley Digital Library
ibiblio "The public's library."
Lysator Electronic Library at Linköping
National Academy Press has 1800 academic books online.
Statistics Canada
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Statistics New Zealand Te Tari Tatau
UK National Statistics
US Census Bureau, including the Statistical Abstract of the United States, "Uncle Sam's Reference Shelf."
The Pew Research Center is an "independent opinion research group" that takes surveys on how Americans feel about different issues. Interesting.
UN Human Development Report Office
US News and Media TheWire This is the AP's own website. It has more pictures, and some video. Newspapers Magazines Most featuring full-text versions of every article up to last week's edition. Broadcast Networks Cable and Satellite Networks Features Everybody's favorite part of the paper! Get your comics and columns right here: News and Media from Other English-Speaking Countries » The Times of London Radio Telefís Éireann RTÉ is "the Irish National Public Service Broadcasting Organisation" with five radio and two TV channels. Listen to the radio online. Australia New Zealand Canada The Philippines The third biggest English-speaking country in the world. South Africa Malta India Pakistan Namibia Singapore Hong Kong Caribbean Jamaica Barbados Film Entertainment Radio from Around the World American Society and Culture Sites Produced by the US Government The UnitedStates Embassy in Stockholm tries to be helpful and informative. United States Government and Politics C-SPAN, America's public affairs television networks. All about politics. Political Parties Political Organizations Science and Nature Space Computing Tech News English Language and Grammar Britain Politics Ireland Canada Travel USA Affordable Motels in descending order of average quality. Expect to pay about $25-50 per night at a US (or Canadian) motel; also expect size and service comparable or superior to four-star European hotels. Various International Sites MiscellaneousNewswires Our versions of TT. Virtually all the news in the world that might even be remotely interesting to the American public is reported by one of the major newswires. The Associated Press is the most famous example.
» US Domestic also including science stories.
» International
» Entertainment
Local New York News
Black Press USA "Your Independent Source of News for the African American Community"» NewYork Times online version has a massive array of content, some of which you can only access by registering (which is free and easy).
» Atlanta Journal-Constitution "Covers Dixie Like the Dew."
USA Today
Washington Post, including Camera Works, a section with current newsphotos.
Los Angeles Times
International Herald Tribune
Chicago Sun-Times
Boston Globe
Miami Herald con edición en español
Anchorage Daily News
Honolulu Advertiser
The Village Voice The "nation's first and largest alternative newsweekly"
CreativeLoafing is local alternative newspaper for some southern cities.
See a list of more major papers at Yahoo, or browse by state at the Open Directory or Yahoo.
Last and certainly least, there are the National Enquirer, the Weekly World News and Starwhat my grandmother would call "scandal sheets."Time You can read the last month's issues in the Archive.
Time Europe Here's an article that talked about Luleå.
Newsweek The online version is part of MSNBC, a joint venture between Microsoft and theNBC television network.
US News and World Report America's third major newsmagazine. This online version is especially good.
Salon Seemingly the premiere web-based magazine, constantly updated. Some content is subscriber-only.
» Bottom Line Quick news for busy people. Tends to be very useful and entertaining.
Esquire "Everything a Man Needs to Know." Outstanding feature articles.
New York Times Magazine
American Heritage For American history.
Mother Jones "News and Resources for the Skeptical Citizen." A leftist magazine.» ABC
CBS broadcasts the US version of Expedition: Robinson, called Survivor. CBS News broadcasts "Everybody Has a Story"interesting vignettes about average American Joes.
Fox, home of The Simpsons
UPN is owned by Paramount Pictures
The WB, from Warner Bros.
» PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service, is the closest thing we have to SVTexcept PBS relies largely on corporate sponsorships and viewer donations, not taxes. Also the home of . . .
» National Public Radio. Listen to the five-minute hourly newscast online.» CNN is the Man. Here you can watch a constantly updated video of the top stories from CNN's US-only Headline News network; click on "Newscast on-demand." CNN also has the very funny Jeanne Moos. For financial news, see CNNfn; for sports, CNNSI.
Ad Critic Online archive of TV advertisements.
» Comedy Central tries to be entertaining. They have a good news satire show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; you can watch the Headlines online. The video Archives may also appeal.
BET is Black Entertainment Television.
Univision and Telemundo are America's two Spanish-language networks.
Discovery and The Learning Channel
» C-SPAN All about public affairs, politics and books; funded by cable companies. Watch live online or browse archived programs, including . . .
» Booknotes, a fascinating series of interviews with authors. All episodes since January 1997 are available online.
TV Listings What's on in Atlanta right now?Dave Barry, columnist with the Miami Herald, is very humorous.
Dear Abby An advice column.
Ann Landers Another advice column, by Abby's sister.
» This Modern World For your weekly dose of biting social satire.
Horoscopes at the Chicago Sun-Times.
News of the Weird
Creators Syndicate
Universal Press Syndicate
United Media ComicsThe United Kingdom
BBC "The UK's favourite website." Extremely rich in content. Read, listen or watch. This is the main site; you could also go straight to . . .
BBC Audio and Video Programs available online, which includes . . .
BBC Radio.
BBC Radio Times
Sky.com including Sky News.
» The Sunday Times
The Guardian
The Guardian Unlimited Online version with expanded content.
The Economist
The Independent
The Sun A tabloid.
The News of the World Another tabloid.
The Mirror Take a wild guess.
Also check out the newspaper lists at the Open Directory and Yahoo. Exhaustive. (Exhausting?)Eire Cead mile failte. Ca bhfuil an teach tabhairne?
For your reading pleasure, there are Irish Newspapers Lists at Yahoo and at the Open Directory.
The Irish Times
TG4 broadcasts in Irish.
BBC Northern Ireland featuring live radio and archived television.
UTV ITV for Northern Ireland, broadcast live online.
Irish Television Interesting guide to all the channels.Australian Broadcasting Company featuring Online News, Triple J radio and Radio Australia.
Sydney Morning Herald.
Canberra Times
The Age
More Australian RadioNZOOM "The Homepage for New Zealanders"
Audionet for live radio.
Stuff is "New Zealand's leading news and information website." (Stuff?)
The New Zealand Herald
NetGuide "gets you to the best stuff on the net" (especially for Kiwis).Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, including a tremendous selection of online audio.
Maclean's Canada's leading newsweekly.
The Globe and Mail "Canada's national newspaper"
Canadian newspapers at the Open DirectoryThe Manila Times
The Philippine Star "The Filipino Global Community"
ABS-CBN is "the premier broadcast network of the Philippines," featuring ABS-CBN News, as well as WRR 101.9 FM. (Easy Listening?)The Sunday Times "South Africa's best selling newspaper."
The Daily Mail and Guardian
iafrica.com A nice web portal.
The DispatchMalta Today
The Malta IndependentThe Hindu "India's National Newspaper."
India Today India's most widely read magazine. From the India Today Group, home of several other media outfits (all of which you can enjoy online from their homepage), including . . .
The Newspaper Today, "India's first and only e-newspaper," and
Aaj Tak, "India's No. 1 news channel." Watch online.
Indiaserver is "the leading South Asian community destination site."
The Hindustan Times
ZDNet India Tech news from the subcontinent.Associated Press of Pakistan "Pakistan's premier news network"
Pakistan Television
Radio Pakistan
Official website of the Islamic Republic of PakistanThe Namibian "Still Telling It Like It Is!"
The Straits Times Interactive "Asia's best." (Best what?)
South China Morning Post "Hong Kong's premier English-language newspaper."
Hong Kong iMailThe Caribbean News Agency "is the premier provider of news and information from the English Caribbean"
The Caribbean Daily
Caribbean FM Features good links to regional media.The Jamaica Observer
The Jamaica Gleaner
Radio Jamaica
Television Jamaica
CVM TV "Looking even better"The Barbados Advocate
Antigua and Barbuda
The NationZDK 99.0 FM "Real Radio"
The Antigua SunThe Nassau Guardian
Trinidad and Tobago
Bahamas NewsThe Trinidad Guardian
All your film links are right here.
Entertainment Weekly All about US entertainment. Fun to read. Incredibly extensive archive
People Weekly Also entertaining. Both People and EW are made by Time Warner, the same company that publishes Time.
» The Onion A humor "newsmagazine." Very often hilarious, very often offensive (to some). Not for the faint of heart.
Vibe covers rap, hip-hop, etc.
Premiere Great movie magazine. Some feature articles are available online.Internet Radio Index
104.9 XFM London's alternative rock station, formerly co-owned by Robert Smith of the Cure.
Planet 96.3 from Detroit.
BBC Radio
US-based National Public Radio» NME New Musical Express is the UK's leading music weekly.
Q is a leading UK music magazine.
Billboard The leading magazine for the US music industry. Has all the charts.
Rolling Stone Leading US music rag.
Vibe The main hiphop and r&b magazine.
UBL The Universal Band List has info on anybody who's anybody (and then some).» "Everybody Has a Story" is a weekly report from CBS News in which a reporter visits with an American he finds by chance. He has whoever he's interviewing throw a dart at a map of the USA, and then he goes to the city the dart lands on. After he arrives, he flips through the local phonebook and stops at a random name, then does a story about that person. These clips provide some interesting insight into a normal American's life. Many previous segments are available here; use the pull down menu to select by city name.
» Making the Moost of It This is a video archive of stories from Jeanne Moos, a CNN correspondent in New York. Most of her stories tend to be about the quirky side of life in and around the Big Apple. They're usually very funny; sometimes they're a little poignant. They're a little bit like "Everybody Has a Story," but Moos tends to focus on the "special people."
American Memory at the Library of Congress. A collection of 7,000,000 digital items related to American history and culture.
The Encyclopedia of Cajun Culture Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Documenting the American South includes lots of complete texts.
The goal of Tolerance.org "is to awaken people of all ages to the problem of hate and intolerance, to equip them with the best tolerance ideas and to prompt them to act in their homes, schools, businesses and communities." A project of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Gay.com and Planet Out Serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.
Roadside America Our more bizarre "tourist destinations." Very entertaining.
The Spoon River Anthology (1916) by Edgar Lee Masters. Monologues from the grave about small-town American life.
The American Studies Department at the University of Virginia, including Letters from an American Farmer written to a European friend in 1782.
Wal-Mart is Discount City.
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Now that's American!Information USA "Authoritative resource for foreign audiences seeking information about American society, political processes, official U.S. policies and culture," including topics such as Education, Holidays and PatrioticSongs & Hymns.
Native American Sites
US Society, Values and Politics or at least the State Department's idea of US society, values and politics.
Portrait of the USA from the US Information Agency. Great coverage of the basics.
Fort McHenry and the National AnthemCherokee Nation
Seneca Nation
Miccosukee Seminole Nation
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
NativeAmerican Media Listen or watch online.The WhiteHouse
FirstGov Meant to be a one-stop-shopping site for government information.
» The Smithsonian Institution Our national attic.
Central Intelligence Agency
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Library of Congress Biggest library on the planet.
Department of State
Voice of America Radio around the world. Listen online.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Engraving and Printing If you ever get the chance to visit, the BEP is by far Washington's best tour.
Internal Revenue Service The tax people.
National Archives and Records Administration Our national file cabinet.
EnvironmentalProtection Agency
The National Park Service
Peace Corps Helping our friends overseas with education, construction, medical care, etc.
US Marshals You know . . . like Marshal Matt Dillon from Krutrök.
Consumer Information Center in Pueblo, Colorado. Lots of information about almost every conceivable subject in consumer affairs.Democratic Party
Republican Party
Straight Talk America The organization started by maverick Republican John McCain.
The Green Party
Constitution Party
Communist Party
Socialist PartyThe American Civil Liberties Union "is our nation’s guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States."
The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition "is a multiracial, multi-issue, international membership organization founded by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr."
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's principal objective "is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of the United States."
The Christian Coalition "America's Leading Grassroots Political Organization Fighting for America's Families." Sure it is.
National Rifle Association
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund is the "nation's oldest and largest legal organization working for the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV/AIDS."» Science One of the world's primary scientific journals. All content from the hardcopy is published online. Very interesting; very advanced.
» Nature Another major journal. They only put one article online from every issue (for non-subscribers), but it's usually that issue's most interesting article.
EurekAlert "Your Global Gateway to Science, Medicine and Technology News."
Scientific American Magazine
Treasure Troves of Science An incredibly complete online encyclopedia. A tremendous resource.
UniSci for science news.
New York Times Science SectionNASA
Human Genome Research
NASA Windows to the Universe
Solar Data Analysis Center
Space Telescope Science InstituteGenome Gateway at Nature "It is with great pleasure that Nature presents this online publication and full analysis of the initial sequencing of the human genome."
Human Genome Sequencing at the National Institutes of Health. The only site I know where you can "browse by chromosome."
Genome Database
Genome Programs from the US Department of Energy.» Wired America's best sci-tech magazine. Very entertaining.
HotWired Wired metasite.
Attrition All the latest hacks.
Electronic Texts at Linköping on computing
CodeGuru and The Code Project» CNET News The best place for up-to-the-minute technology news. More business than science. Very entertaining.
Web Design
ZDNet News
Technology Review "MIT's Magazine of Innovation"
TechWeb is kind of a CNET clone.
Salon Tech From the online magazine.
The Register For a UK perspective on techie goings-on.
eCompany Now's goal "is to deliver great journalism that explains the successes (and failures) of companies great and small as they come to terms with e-business."
And, of course, there's Slashdot, for the hacker in all of us.» HotWired Webmonkey Great guidance from the folks at Wired Magazine.
Webmaster'sColor Lab from VisiBone. (This page is Dark Hard Green, #00CC00.)
Web Developer's Virtual Library
The 5K Award What kind of website could you make with only 5000 bytes?The American Heritage Book of English Usage "A Practical and Authoritative Guide to Contemporary English"
Reference Works on English Grammar and Usage from Bartleby.com.
Frequently Asked Questions About English Grammar and Usage What you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
The Phrase Finder for meanings and origins.
H.L. Mencken's Guide to American Spelling Mencken was the original curmudgeon. His study of The American Language was exhaustive.
Dictionary of English Slang and Colloquialisms of the United Kingdom
Routes of English from BBC 4.
"English is Tough Stuff," a poem illustrating the peculiarities of the language. Enjoy?
Acronym Finder What does WYSIWYG stand for?
Etymology Links and resources.
Internet Anagram Server makes (mostly nonsensical) anagrams out of any word or phrase; for example, they can tell you that one anagram for the word "anagram" is "a ragman."For British media, look here.
10 Downing Street Tony, baby!
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Parliament, including the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Order!
» Prime Minister's Questions programs archived at the American C-SPAN.
Official sites of the British Monarchy and the Prince of Wales.
The Commonwealth
Tate Gallery
Yahoo UK & IrelandConservative Party
Labour Party
Liberal Democrats
Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Scottish National PartyFor media from the emerald isle, look no further.
IrishKnowlege.com is "the Irish Studies Network," a "directory of academic content on Ireland’s history, literature, language, culture, genealogy and diaspora."
The Irish Internet Hub has more links to political, cultural and media sites.
The Government of Ireland
The Northern Ireland Executive
Sinn Féin
Ulster Unionist PartyFor Canadian media, look here.
Start your Canada search at the Open Directory.
The Canadian Encyclopedia Twenty years in the making.
The Government of Canada Official site.
The Governor General of Canada "represents The Queen who is the Head of State" and "is appointed by The Queen on the advice of the Canadian Prime Minister."
Assembly of First Nations An organization of indigenous Canadian tribes and peoples.
InternationalRamada Limited offers outstanding complimentary breakfasts.
Affordable Eats
Super 8
Motel 6
EconoLodgeRyan's Family Steakhouse Found mainly in the southeast and midwest. Megabar with 300+ items; unlimited beverages, rolls, dessert; complete meals from $5-8.
STA Travel If you're a student, these are the people to see about travel from or within the USA. This is our version of Kilroy Travels.
The Olive Garden Italian. Unlimited beverages, bread, salad. Meals from $7-10 at lunch, $8-15 at dinner.
Red Lobster Seafood. Same parent company and prices as the Olive Garden.
Denny's Open 24 hours; great diner food. $5-10.
Roadfood "devoted exclusively to finding the most memorable local eateries along the highways and back roads of America"
Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel Bargain central.
Tourstates has links to every US state's official tourism website.Lonely Planet For the best travel information anywhere. This site isn't nearly as good as the famous Lonely Planet travel books, but it's worth a look for basic background information.
State Department Travel Information Where you should and shouldn't go, especially if you're an American.
Universal Currency Converter Essential and easy to use.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has all the health-related travel info you could need.United Nations
Europa The European Union's web hub.
Amnesty International
Megastories from Out There News. International affairs coverage.
» DPRK Central News Agency Pure 100% North Korean propaganda. You'll be converted in no time. Let's party like it's Juche 99!Genealogy Do you have American cousins?
Cemetery Records Online
The Nobel E-Museum Extremely rich resource.
Vital Records
Family History from the Mormons.
The Bible
The Qur'an
Hadith The sayings of Muhammad.
Smithsonian Viking Exhibit They discovered America, you know.
The Smoking Gun Archive tracks down and publishes interesting (?) government documents, like famous people's traffic tickets, arrest warrants, etc.
Animal Pictures Archive
Der Karlsruher Wolkenatlas Clouds.
Personality Tests
A Zoomable Mandelbrot Fractal Tell me when you reach the end.